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How to create a publication?


Last updated on Nov 16, 2023

Using the Content Calendar of the Publisher is the easiest way to create social posts. How to create a publication? Just follow these steps.

A quick check before we start: do you have any channels connected already? If so, let’s continue. If not, please follow the steps behind this link.

Let’s get started! When logged into the Publisher, navigate to the left-hand side menu of the application.  In the blue menu, you will find your way to  1 Content Calendar; 2 Draft publications; 3. Publication queue;  4 Channels.

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To create a publication, go for number 2 and press on Draft publications. The rocket launcher will appear, just above the button you need: "Create your publication".

Click on it and you will be guided to create your first publication

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Start creating your first message (1); add assets like images, videos, GIFs, or even emojis(2); move on with all channels selected, or turn on/off some channels (3); schedule your publication to go live in the future (4); publish it right away or save (5) it to continue at a later stage.Publisher - The  (8)
That’s it. Your post has been created now!. Awesome, huh?